Monday, December 6, 2021

Holidays, Festivals, and Celebrations

Mexican Holidays and Traditions

Story by Jim Foreman

As one travels internationally, one of the first things to become apparent is that holidays are different from country to country.

Mexico is no exception. Many holidays are the same across North America such as New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Easter, and Christmas. Other celebrations can catch a visitor by surprise with unexpected crowds, higher lodging costs, and festive celebrations well into the early morning.

Mexicans love to party and hardly need an excuse to bring family and friends together. Keep these days in mind when traveling in Mexico.


For most people living in the USA or Canada, These two holidays are the biggest of the year.  Mexico is no exception.  Homes, pueblos, and cities are all decorated in a festive spirit.

For Mexico, it goes far beyond the commercialized version of Christmas we celebrate in the USA.  In Mexico, the Catholic faith and tradition play a key role in Christmas celebrations.  

Mexico’s Christmas or Navidad celebrations naturally has origins in Spain.  Because of Mexico’s cultural diversity many of those traditions evolved in a uniquely Mexican way.  Mirroring Mexico's regional diversity, the flavors of those celebrations also take on a regional tradition.

Mexicans celebrate Christmas from December 12th to Christmas Eve, December 24th.  Starting on the 12th, public and private nativity scenes are displayed.  Finding a home without one is nearly impossible.  Though many are small, some are life-sized.  The most extravagant include live animals. 

Starting December 12th, children do the Posada Procession. Posada is Inn or Hotel in Spanish.  The children carry a candle and clay figurines of Mary and Joseph from home to home while singing songs. 

Tradition holds that the children are told,  "There is no room!" at each home.  That is until the last one, where they are invited to stay to enjoy food, games, and often fireworks.  Piñatas are one of the most common games played.

On Christmas Eve (Noche Buena),  a feast soon ensues at the final 'posada.'  Afterwards, Mexicans go to a midnight mass and usually celebrate with more fireworks.

As a visitor, enjoy watching the celebrations from any town's centro.  That's usually the focal point of  holiday celebrations.  Always ask locals wherever you're staying.  They will welcome your participation.

Though American-style Christmas is making inroads in Mexico, there is plenty of tradition to enjoy. 

New Year's Day

Like Christmas, New Year's day is incredibly festive in Mexico.  So much more so than in the USA where people just watch a ball in New York City.

Many traditions come from Spain, and elsewhere in the world.  Others are uniquely Mexican.

A fun tradition is wearing a particular color of underwear.  Tradition dictates you can influence your good fortune, for the coming year, based on what color underwear (calzoncillos) or panties (calzones or bragas) you choose. 

Wear red to be blessed with love in the new year.  For money and happiness, wear yellow.  Curiously,  it’s either love OR money and happiness.  White undies signify peace and tranquility (paz y tranquilidad) while blue is for health.  Mexicans have a wonderful sense of humor.  It's no wonder red and yellow are the two dominant colors worn during New Year Celebrations.

Other traditions include leaving lentil beans on your doorstep for good luck and prosperity.  

Another one comes across from the Catalan region of Spain.   Eat twelve grapes and make twelve wishes in the last 60 seconds of the exiting year.  It's harder than you think.

Burn the bad by writing down all the negative stuff of the ending year and burn it.

There are others, too such as putting money in your shoe.  The higher the value, the greater reward.

Again, look to the centro plaza for New Year's Celebrations and ask locals for information.

Carnaval in Mazatlan

Carnival (Week leading up to Ash Wednesday)

Most North Americans associate Carnaval or Mardi Gras as a drunk-fest with women cheerfully exposing themselves for a bead necklace in the New Orleans French Quarter.

The week of Carnaval changes from year to year as it is dependent on Ash Wednesday, the day of atonement.

Carnaval is celebrated through most of the Catholic-influenced world in one fashion or another. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is known for having the largest celebration followed by New Orleans, better known as Mardi Gras. Not surprisingly, Mazatlan has the third-largest Carnaval celebration worldwide. Mazatlan features parades down the Malecon, Fireworks, dance parties, Carnaval Queen and El Rey Feo (Ugly King) coronations, and other vibrant festivities.

The celebration of Carnaval happens all throughout Mexico with grand celebrations going on in Ensenada, Vera Cruz, Cozumel and elsewhere. For the rest of the world, Carnaval, as it's mostly called, is a great party celebrated before the Catholic period of Lent. A majority of the festivities happen Friday through Sunday. It ends abruptly during the final minutes on Tuesday just before Ash Wednesday.

Semana Santa/Pasqua (Palm Sunday to Easter and one week after Easter)

Perhaps one of the most important holidays to most Mexicans is Semana Santa.

While Norte Americanos are busy planning which Mexican beach resort to settle in for Spring Break, Mexicans are making travel plans to be with family.

Semana Santa is the common name for two back-to-back holiday weeks beginning on Palm Sunday. Semana Santa lasts through Easter Saturday. Immediately after, Pascua Begins. Pascua is far more joyous as it is a celebration of the Resurrection.

A large number Mexican-Americans travel to Mexico to be with family during this time. For visitors to Mexico, most cities are crowded, and available hotels are quite difficult to find.

Many savvy overland travelers know to avoid making reservations ahead of time in Mexico except during Semana Santa.

Semana Santa is Mexico's busiest travel week, much like Thanksgiving in the United States. Do plan accordingly.

Septiembre 16 Dia de la Independencia (September 16th)

Ask most Americans what day is Mexican Independence Day, and they’ll tell you, Cinco de Mayo (May 5th). This answer couldn’t be more wrong. September 16th is Mexican Independence Day. It commemorates the day in 1810, Miguel Hidalgo, a parish priest, rang the church bells in the town of Delores to call his parishioners to fight for independence.

Presently, the day features parades, fairs, dancing, and fireworks. Think of it the way Americans celebrate July 4th. Many Mexicans use the holiday to gather family and friends together to feast and celebrate. A week prior, streets filled with vendors selling Mexican flags, and other patriotic noisemakers and flashy attire appear everywhere. Traditional dresses and outfits are worn by children.

Dia de Todos los Santos/ Dia del la Muerte (November 1st-2nd)

In Mexico, November 1-2 are both celebrated as Dia de Los Muertos or Day of the Dead.

Originating in Spain, Dia de Los Muertos is not a day of sadness or mourning. Instead, Dia de Los Muertos celebrates the lives of the deceased with food, drink, parties, and activities the dead enjoyed while living. During the celebration, the dead are also a part of the community, awakened from their rest to participate in the celebrations with their family.

Men and women will often elaborately paint their faces, either entirely or half-way during the festival.

The most familiar symbol of Dia de Los Muertos is the calacas and calaveras (skeletons and skulls), which are seen everywhere during the celebration and nearly always portrayed as enjoying life.

Sugar skulls, candy, parade masks, and dolls are all part of celebrating and remembering the dead.

More and more, Dia de Los Muertos is being celebrated in the US just as the Halloween is beginning to take hold in Latin America. While their origins are the same, they are very different holidays.

Two similar, yet fantastic animated films based on the celebration of Dia de Los Muertos are ‘Book of Life and Coco.’

Dia de La Raza - October 12th

Coinciding with Columbus Day, Dia De La Raza celebrates the heritage, colonization, and cultural diversity of Latin America. It’s not a major holiday, but it’s not a minor one either. Family get-togethers are common on this day. The day typically features a parade, dances, and feasting.

Bank Holidays:

Expect government offices and banks to be closed on these days.

New Years Day (January 1st)

Dia de la Constitucion (First Monday in February)

Benito Juarez’s Birthday (March 21st)

Maundy Thursday (Thursday before Easter Sunday)

Good Friday (Friday before Easter Sunday)

Dia del Trabajo - Labor Day (May 1st)

Dia de la Independencia (September 16th)

Aniversario de la Revolución Mexicana (Third Monday of November)

Día de la Virgen de Guadalupe (December 12th)

Christmas (December 25th)

Other Minor Holidays:

Dia de la Bandera - Flag Day (February 24th)

Dia International de la Mujer - International Women's Day (March 8th)

Dia del Niño - Day of the Children (April 30th)

Dia del Madre – Mother’s Day (May 10th)

Dia del Padre – Father’s Day (3rd Sunday in June)

Day of the Innocents (December 28th)

Whether visiting Mexico for one of these holidays or making your own holiday, getting to your destination is a huge part of the fun.  Wondering how much does insurance for Mexico cost? Whether you're looking for Baja Mexican insurance or for the whole country, the best place to Shop, Buy and Print top rated auto insurance is Mexican Insurance Store.  Insurance is mandatory and not having it can instantly turn a great holiday into a nightmare.  Be smart and get quality insurance at a great price.

©2016-2021 Jim Foreman All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

6 Reasons to Drive to Mexico (Instead of Flying)

Overlooking Hermosillo atop the Cerro de Campana Photo: Jim Foreman

Story by Jim Foreman

According to Far and Wide Travel, each year, over 41 million people arrive in Mexico to enjoy the incredible beaches, warm weather, and excellent hospitality.  Of course, those numbers are down in 2020 and 2021 for obvious reasons.  Still, Mexico is rated the 7th top tourist destination worldwide.

Most of Mexico's visitors arrive by plane to Cancun, Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlán, Los Cabos, and Mexico City.  Certainly, Mexican cruises originating from the US gulf states and California account for a large number of visitors, too.

Airplanes and cruise ships are wonderful ways to enter Mexico.  For those arriving from Europe, Asia, South America, and Oceana, flying is the only practical way to do so.  

Fortunately, for those in the USA and Canada, we have another option.  Every year millions of drivers and riders visit Mexico.  Of course, this includes a massive number of snowbirds that travel from Canada and the USA to escape winter.

Those who embrace the gift of time realize the benefits that come with overland travel.  It seems to be a recent phenomenon to neurotically cram two weeks of vacation into a long weekend.  The creation of the term “FOMO” (Fear Of Missing Out) illustrates this beautifully. Whatever pop culture calls it these days, anxiety gets fed by multiple sources.  These include despotic legislation, heavy-handed isolation mandates in the name of health, and a constant drone of anger and fear-mongering from news media.

There’s a bright spot in all of this madness.  Pack one (and only one) bag of spare clothes, top off your fuel tank, and head south to a land that is still operating in a realm of sanity and humanity.  Yes, that’s Mexico.

6 Reasons to drive through Mexico

Entering Mexico Photo: Kyle Smith

1. Taking your Car, RV, or Motorcycle into Mexico is Super Easy

If you’re only traveling to Baja California or the northern part of Sonora, it’s even easier.  If you’re staying only a weekend to places like Ensenada, San Felipe, Rocky Point, or San Carlos, travelers only need their passports and Mexican car insurance.  If you’re staying longer but only in Baja or Northern Sonora, you only need to add a tourist visa as you cross the border.  Traveling beyond these ‘Hassle-Free Zones’ as they’re called in Mexico?  Then, drivers must also get a TVIP (or TIP) (Temporary Vehicle Import Permit).  The TVIP allows your vehicle to travel throughout Mexico on your non-Mexico plate.  To reiterate, anytime you leave the USA or Canada, you must have a Passport.  Canadians understand this, but many Americans, out of ignorance, like to argue this point.  Also, anytime your vehicle is in Mexico, you MUST have Mexican Insurance (or up to $500,000USD in cash to pay restitution in the event of an accident).  Drivers in a collision without coverage or enough insurance enjoy a luxury holiday in a Mexican jail until full restitution is made.

Boca de Tomatlan, Mexico Photo: Robby McCullough

2. The Mexican Countryside is Beautiful

Driving through Mexico is a pleasure in itself.  Mountains, seas, forests, and deserts mix with pre-Hispanic, colonial, and contemporary history.  Every town has a story, and everywhere you go, people are genuinely nice.  Mexicans have a keen ability to read people.  If you’re a good person, good people will gravitate to you.  If you’re not, well, you should probably stay bunkered down at home.

Puente Balluarte Photo: Jim Foreman

3. Mexico’s Autopista system is very good (for the most part)

Mexico’s equivalent of interstates is called the Autopista.  It’s also sometimes known as the Cuota or toll roads.  Most Mexican states have invested heavily in modernizing and maintaining these high-speed roadways connecting major cities.  While the cost can be significant, they enable travelers to quickly and safely get through Mexico.  Autopistas are also patrolled by the Angeles Verdes or Green Angels.  They are state-paid mechanics who assist motorists in the event of a breakdown, tire puncture, or empty fuel tank.

4. On the Highway, Speeds are Rarely Enforced

In Mexico, when on long stretches of highway, you can travel at whatever speed you want.  The caveat is that you have to own it.  If you crash, it’s on you.  Do pay careful attention to signs indicating sharp turns or construction.  Also, take heed to this next thing, as this is very important.  Drive in the right lane and use the left lane only for passing.  If someone wants to pass, get out of the way and let them.  Stay alert for road hazards, and don’t drive outside of the city at night.

Now, as you get close to a town, slow down to the posted speed limit.  Federal and Municipal police are nearly always near town limits to bust people racing into their city.  Slow down and set the cruise control to the posted speed, so you’re not tempted to blast through.  You’ll thank me as you wave to the cop waiting for speeders with their radar gun.

El Fuerte - Birthplace of the real 'Zorro' Photo:Jim Foreman

5. See and Experience Sights and Wonders Along the Way

You’ve heard the saying many times, “It’s not the destination. It’s the journey that counts.” This is especially true in Mexico.  Mexico is a huge country.  It’s the 14th largest country by landmass.  It’s so big that it matches the size of nearly all of western Europe.  Just like Europe, Mexico’s terrain is as diverse as its people.   Mexico is recognized as one of the six cradles of civilization.  Evidence of this is found throughout the country.  The Mexican government recognizes 68 national languages.  While Spanish is most dominant, English and then German also are pretty common.  In fact, 63 of the officially recognized languages are native to Mexico.

If one believes in diversity beyond political lip-service, there’s no better place than Mexico. 

For example, While nobody knows exactly how many pyramids are in Mexico, there are over three dozen known structures throughout the country.  Mexico also has the only known circular pyramids in the world.  Think of the hat worn by the group, Devo.

Over 15 of these pyramids are easily reached by car. Explore many of them with a local guide or interpreter.  Absent are the throng of tourists brought in by coach bus each day.

There are rainforests, massive underground rivers, and wildlife found only in Mexico.  Take the opportunity to visit these locations.  They may not have a flashing neon sign or huge billboard, but they are well worth a visit.

Mexican People are Wonderful

When you arrive from an international flight into Mexico, you’re greeted by a mostly-friendly Customs agent.  From there, you get to run the gauntlet of barkers urging for you to use their cabs.  Next, you meet attractive representatives for attractions and time-shares with enticing photos and revealing outfits.  Finally, you meet the shuttle driver that takes you to your pre-booked resort.  At the resort, you enjoy bland food, watered-down drinks, and staff with cheerful smiles and little else.
Now, doesn’t that sound fun?  Yes, these people are Mexicans hired to do these roles. This is absolutely NOT indicative of Mexicans you meet outside of airports and resort destinations. 

Contrast that with a festive city center with delicious street food vendors, a band playing music, and people dancing in the town plaza.  While some people speak a little bit of English, the dominant language is Spanish.  The warmth of seeing young people, old people, and everyone in-between gathering outside, living life, and being happy is something foreign to most Americans.

Everywhere you go, people will share their stories of traveling in the USA and eagerly listen to stories of your travels.  Common friendship and general amiability is, well, common in Mexico.  When one steps outside their isolated and insulated world and out into real life, magic happens.  For most people, the blinders of prejudice, ignorance, and discontent fall away.  This happens quite quickly for most travelers.



Step away from the travel story or guidebook ideal of what a vacation or trip is supposed to be.  Don’t go chasing ‘The Best…” (beach, restaurant, attraction, etc.)  Instead, discover a world filled with wonders great and small, just waiting for interaction.

Whether contemplating cactus formations in Baja that inspired Dr. Seuss, or touching a magnificent newborn gray whale, wonders abound throughout Mexico.  For your next trip, take the family in the car or hop on your motorcycle.  Either way, enjoy our great neighbor Mexico with a fresh and boundless use of your five senses.

This article is brought to you by Mexican Insurance Store.  When driving or riding into Mexico, you must have Mexican Insurance.  Buy from the industry leader, Mexican Insurance Store.  That way, no matter what happens, you can enjoy all 6 reasons to drive to Mexico.

Jim Foreman is the owner of Authentic Moto Travels.  He writes for numerous magazines and is published internationally.  Jim’s traveled throughout Mexico by car and motorcycle, making enduring friendships all along the way.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Travel Solo to Mexico

 Solo Travel to Mexico

Story by Jim Foreman

For many, the thought of solo travel to Mexico is inconceivable.  This perception probably has more to do with one’s personality than any real obstacle.  True, the news media continues to pump fear and anger wrapped in misinformation 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  To keen observers, this ongoing strategy serves to keep viewers isolated and easily manipulated.  

Fear is the greatest obstacle to happiness and success.  These words are echoed in one form or another by The Dalai Lama, Paulo Coelho, Tony Robbins, Joy Page, Mark Twain, and hundreds more.  With the philosophy lesson out of the way, let’s continue with solo travel to Mexico.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with traveling as a couple, friends, or a group of friends.  Each form of travel carries its unique rewards.

There are many reasons and why one may desire to travel solo.  Equally, several personalities thrive while traveling solo.

Why People Travel Solo

Often, the most prominent reason people travel solo is a significant change in one’s personal life.  Perhaps it’s a breakup, divorce, death, or leaving a long-held job.  Whatever the cause, there is a strong urge to rediscover oneself in the process.  

Traveling solo frees one from constantly trying to make someone else happy. Continually trying to entertain someone is difficult enough at home.  Doing so abroad is much more challenging.  Gone are all the familiar locations and experiences.  When you’re alone, one only has to decide what will bring the most joy to themselves for the day.  Feel like tacos for breakfast, lunch, and dinner one day?  No problem.  One can choose anything that fits the mood. Maybe you feel like a concert or going out to an event? You get the picture. 

Solo travel, in these cases, helps to discover or rediscover passions, likes, and emotions that may be long-dormant.  It’s made much more alive by being in a place where you have to learn and utilize different languages, customs, and protocols. 

The best part about this kind of travel is that you are open and free to do whatever you want.  Make new friends, change plans, develop a romance, or simply do something you’ve never done before. 

How does Mexico fit into all of this?  Mexico is a perfect destination for ‘life-changed’ solo travelers. 

If this describes your current situation, there are some ideal destinations to consider.  For starters, there are the seaside towns of La Paz, Mazatlán, Puerta Vallarta, and Merida.  These are perfect places to immerse yourself in a different culture and even come back with tan lines.

If you’re more interested in colonial history and authentic Mexican Culture, consider the cities of Zacatecas, Guanajuato, Bernal, and Taxco.  These cities will surprise and reward visitors with tremendous history, beautiful locations, amazing people, and soul-enriching experiences.

Adventurers and Free Spirits

A tiny group of travelers that make up adventurers and free spirits.  Since they often gravitate toward each other, the numbers seem much larger, but in truth, they make up an infinitesimal percentage of travelers to Mexico. 

Kelly's blog, "The Wandering Blonde" talks extensively about solo travel in Mexico.

For this breed of travelers, a whim and a direction is all that is needed to embark on a wonderful journey.  Curiously, This group is made up, almost equally, of men and women.  Yes, you heard me correctly. Women make up half of the solo travelers through Mexico.  When it comes to adventuring or roaming at one’s pleasure, the ages are just as diverse.  Individuals from 18-80 are living the life of their choosing traveling through Mexico.
If rugged adventure and remote destinations are your pleasure, consider Batopilas, Morelia, San Cristobal de la Casas, and Durango.  For a more learned or awe-inspiring wonder, there’s Monterrey, Queretaro, Xilitla, and Creel.

Additional Thoughts

Mexico is a warm and inviting destination for solo travel, despite what the news media fear mongers say.  So long as you’re respectful and not chasing drugs or questionable sex partners, you’ll find warmth and hospitality. 

Make friends, lots of friends. Don’t be cheap, but don’t be flashy either.  Traveling by car or motorcycle is ideal.  Stay at hotels or rent an apartment in places that you find fascinating.  That way, you’re light, mobile, and able to experience life as it happens.  

Solo travelers are discouraged from taking RVs.  They’re near impossible to get anywhere worthwhile.  Moreover, they limit you to RV parks on the outskirts of town. 

Author Jim Foreman with his BMW S 1000 XR 'Tempest' in Bahia de Los Angeles, BC

Travel by a reliable car or motorcycle that you can get easily serviced in Mexico.  Connect with locals and don’t have too detailed of a plan.  Be flexible and open to serendipity.  You’ll get rewarded with unexpected joys, dear friends, and a greater appreciation for our great southern neighbor.

Traveling to Mexico solo or with others is easy.  Make sure you have a passport and Mexican Insurance before you go.  Get your Tourist Visa and Temporary Vehicle Import Permit at the border and have an amazing time.  

Jim Foreman is the owner and operator of Authentic Moto Travels.  He's traveled Mexico extensively both solo and leading groups. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Eight Ways to Enjoy Mexico When You Can’t Be in Mexico

There's no better source for top-tier Mexican Insurance than Mexican Insurance Store.

Reminiscing About Great Times with friends in Cosala, Sinaloa

Story and Photos by Jim Foreman

For those drawn to Mexico beyond a weeklong beach-party destination, the culture is a rich panacea for ordinary first-world life.

We travelers are drawn to subtleties as much as grand differences.  It's evident in the way we treat life, relationships, friendship, and community.

Sometimes, we find ourselves seemingly trapped and unable to return to Mexico when we want. Circumstances may be anything from an international pandemic to a personal injury or illness that keeps us immobile. Of course, sometimes, it’s merely a matter of money and the ability to travel for weeks or months on end. Regardless of the circumstances, there are many ways one can enjoy and experience the mellifluous and canorous Mexican culture near your home.

Consider these eight simple yet highly satisfying activities you can enjoy on your own or with others nearby.

1. Learn or upgrade your Spanish language skills.

Let’s face it. Unless we are native Spanish speakers, we can probably use some help with our Spanish. Language learning is available in many ways through a vast collection of formats.

On your phone, apps like Duolingo, MosaLingua, and Memrise offer real-world Spanish training that’s fun and effective.

Use your computer on sites such as +Babbel, Open Culture, and even the BBC to learn Spanish. Zoom group classes are also becoming more and more mainstream in unfurling la lingua de Dios.

MosaLingua is a proven way to learn a language quickly and effectively.

2. Find authentic Mexican recipes in a cookbook or online. Prepare a dish from one of the many different regions of Mexico at least once each week.

A delightful way to learn about a culture or region is through their food and drink. Find a cookbook with authentic Mexican dishes, or simply search online for sites with non-Gringo-fied Mexican recipes.

Sadly, what too many people know as Mexican food is bland and lacking in character.

When you follow an authentic recipe, you’ll quickly understand how diverse and delicious the food in Mexico actually is.

Sourcing the ingredients is probably easier than you realize.  It's difficult to find a community without a Mexican market.  Even most major supermarkets have a 'Hispanic Foods' section.  Do the best you can, given your circumstances.  Once the travel limitations pass, you'll be incredibly popular for your culinary creations.

Most importantly, once you've created your meal, turn up your favorite Mexican music playlist and serve up some authentic meals. If you choose ‘Banda’ style music, it’s imperative to play is so loud your speakers crack to achieve the authentic ambiance.
Markets like Gonzalez Northgate Markets are popular shopping destinations in the USA.

3. Shop a Mexican owned market to find ingredients for your meal and to practice your Spanish.

This is easy, and it coincides perfectly with the first two suggestions. Find the ingredients you need to prepare a meal and restock your household supplies while you’re at it. Supporting your local business goes much further in your community than helping your major conglomerate.

Of course, during a shut-in or semi-quarantine, most markets offer delivery.  Give the market a call and have what you need delivered to your home.

While shopping, don't forget the drinks to complement your cooking. Regional cervezas like Victoria, Pacifico, Superior, Jalisco Estrella, or Carta Blanca offer up some refreshing examples of Mexican beer.

Mexico also produces many excellent wines. The western hemisphere’s oldest winery is Casa Madera, just outside of Parras de la Fuente, Coahuila. Other remarkable wine regions worth enjoying include Bernal, Queretaro, and Valle de Guadalupe in Baja California.

Of course, everyone knows of Tequila produced in its namesake region in Jalisco. There are other wonderful mezcals to enjoy throughout Mexico, including Sotol from Chihuahua, Bacanora from Sonora, and Raicilla also hailing from Jalisco.

Traditional non-alcoholic drinks are also available from these markets, including Horchata, Jamaica, and an assortment of aguas frescas.

if the opportunity presents itself, practice your Spanish with the staff. They usually appreciate it and are happy to help and share some conversation.

4. Watch at least one hour of Spanish language programming each day.

The fastest way to learn Spanish is to find a lover who only speaks Spanish. Short of that, learning children’s songs, and contemporary Latin music are highly effective.

Sometimes though, singing out loud isn’t appropriate, such as when others are around. For those times, watch Latin-market television shows on Univision, Telemundo, Azteca, and Estrella TV.

Discover a great list of the Seven Best TV Shows to Learn Spanish.

Try reruns of popular comedy shows like the beloved ‘Chespirito,’ or the news (las noticias).  The news is a great way to learn CDMX business tones and inflections rather than a local dialect.
Yes, men do stop whatever they are doing, and women do get angry when Yanet Garcia reports the weather.

Other great options include one of the many fun variety shows or a spicy telenovela.


Immerse yourself in the joys and activities many Mexicans enjoy regularly.  It'll be fun, interesting, and will certainly 'up' your conversational skills and proper use of idioms.

Hint: Turning on closed captioning subtitles can help distinguish the words when spoken quickly.

Taquitos being prepared on the fire at Cielito Lindo; Credit: Jared Cowan

5. Patronize a locally owned Mexican restaurant in your hometown and ask for their specialties.

So long as there’s not a general ‘Stay At Home’ or quarantine order, this makes for a delightful way to indulge in some culture.  One can certainly order take-away or delivery if one is bound to the house.

If it doesn’t look too busy, ask your server if you can practice your Spanish when ordering. Most people are delighted to help you learn the phrasing, pronunciations, and if you’re lucky, many of the standard idioms used in Mexico.

It's often surprising to many to find authentic regional Mexican food in the United States.


6. Get a map of Mexico and mark the Pueblos Magicos on it.

Plan a route for your next visit to discover as many Pueblos Magicos as you can.  2020 added 12 new Pueblos Magicos bringing the current total to 121.

The fun begins when you experience why they are magical. True, some are more 'magical' than others.  Still, each one is worth a visit.

Next time, don't rush to your intended destination.  That is one of the biggest mistakes part-time residents make with driving through Mexico.  Plan your next trip to include some of these towns, even if they're a little out of the way.


7. Watch a movie by one of the many talented Mexican filmmakers.

Indeed, Netflix’s 2018’s Academy Award winner, ‘Roma’ directed by Alfonso Cuarón, is a great film. Fortunately, there are a plethora of brilliant Mexican films worth watching.

This IMDB list of the 30 most popular Mexican-directed movies is a fabulous start into Mexican moviemaking.

Besides Spanish and its mannerisms, one can learn many of the subtleties of Mexican culture from the cinema.  The balance between art and life is rarely more evident than in Mexican movies.

Hint: When you watch, watch to learn, not to be entertained.

8. Stay in contact with friends in Mexico.

Apps like Whatsapp and Facebook make it easy and fun to enjoy your friends living in Mexico and get in insider’s perspective on what’s happening in the country.  Even a short text can help transport your heart and soul to Mexico.


Hopefully, this list will inspire and prepare you to have your best-ever experience next time you are back in the country.

Without question, nothing beats the genuine experience of actually being in Mexico.  Sometimes our situation simply doesn't allow it, at the moment.

Until a return is possible, these suggestions, in part or in whole, offer genuine ways to experience the warmth and sophistication of Mexican culture, close to home.

Of course, there are many more ways one can grasp a taste of Mexico.  These 8 activities will immerse you in the activities and mindset of many Mexicans on a daily basis.  Try any combination of these suggestions, or try them all.

The next time you find yourself on the warm side of the border, you’ll be able to see, experience, and appreciate Mexico like never before.  New opportunities for love, friendship, understanding, and camaraderie will unfold before you, and the best part is that you’ll be a better person for it.

Jim Foreman in Copper Canyon

Jim Foreman is the owner and operator of Authentic Moto Travels. Each year, Jim leads dozens of travelers to Mexico to travel beyond the beaches and other popular tourist spots.

This story is sponsored by Mexican Insurance Store. When shopping for quality Mexican Insurance for your car, truck, RV, or Motorcycle, go to Mexican Insurance Store to shop, buy and print your policy.
©2020 Jim Foreman

Saturday, March 31, 2018

What to Bring, What to Leave Behind, and What to Get in Mexico

Katarina Vasou in Campeche

What to Bring, What to Leave Behind and What to Get in Mexico

Story by Jim Foreman

Few things cause someone to ponder people’s sanity more than reading or hearing many people’s lists of what to bring and not bring to Mexico.

Many people seem intent on creating hassle and grief when visiting Mexico. This typically derives from preconceived notions, bad advice, and sadly prejudice.

There are some amazing blogs and journeys that are well worth visiting.  They reaffirm the points mentioned and also serve to inspire others to travel, solo, if necessary and enjoy life.  Among the best of these is Diary Wings.  Read about Katarina Vasou from Cypress who hails as, "born and bred, living and breathing for trips and adventure."
Emily Scarlett Romain

Another site worth browsing is that of professional photographer, Emily Scarlett Romain.  She traveled from Mexico to Colombia over four months.  She has a remarkable perspective.

Finally, enjoy a brilliant female traveler, Suzie Agelopoulos' insightful and mesmerizing journeys including Mexico.

It doesn’t matter if you’re visiting for a couple of days or weeks or if you’re coming to escape the winter cold back home. These guidelines will help you have a much more enjoyable and sensible stay in Mexico.

Things To Leave At Home

Guns- A surprisingly high number of Mexicans legally own firearms. Some also illegally own firearms, but we’re not talking about that here. It is forbidden for you to bring a firearm into Mexico with very rare exceptions. If you are participating in an organized competition or hunting trip, you can seek permission from both your home country and Mexico. The process takes several months, and the limitations are quite strict. Most hunters will use guns owned by Mexicans, on hunting trips. Aside from that, unless you’re with the secret service protecting a government official, leave them at home. This goes for ammunition, too. There are countless stories of Gringos rotting in Jail because they thought they were too special to obey the laws. Even a spent shell casing can be cause for serious legal trouble. Regardless of your take on these civil rights, you are in another country and a whole different set of laws.

Large or threatening knives- Leave your ‘John Rambo Special Edition" survival knife or other menacing knives at home. Smaller pocket knives are no problem but don’t clip them to your pocket. Clipping your knife to your pocket makes people believe you think you are some police officer. Bury the ‘Macho’ attitude when in Mexico and keep your pocket knife in your pocket and invisible. It is worse to be mistaken for law enforcement, in most cases, than a politician or tax collector.

Perhaps surprisingly, machete’s are perfectly fine, especially if you are going camping or traveling overland. The dirtier and more well-used, the better. While fine for overland travel, please realize that they won’t be welcome during your resort stay on the beach.

Drugs (Illegal Narcotics)- Don’t bring them into Mexico. First off, why? If you indulge in recreational stimulants, you can find it in Mexico, usually for a lot less than in the US. It’s not difficult, either. Recreational marijuana, like in many US states, is legal, but get it in Mexico. Don’t transport it across the border. That’s where you run a serious risk of trouble. This includes Medical Marijuana, too. If you desire use of the ‘International Herb,’ simply find it in Mexico. It’s often easier than finding an ATM.

Other items that are not legal for you to bring into Mexico include night-vision optics, Tasers, police grade canisters of pepper spray, gun parts, or gun accessories. Small personal pepper spray canisters are no problem, but again, like clipped-on knives, they make you look silly. Keep it out of sight, if you insist on carrying it.

Please take a look at this cheat-sheet put out by the Mexican Government as to what weapons or accessories you can and can't bring into Mexico.

Think about this, though. If you kill a Mexican national, you will probably never leave a Mexican Prison. Instead of trying to be ‘bad-ass’ or James Bond, remain aware of your surroundings, stay humble, and distance yourself from potential negative encounters.

Attitudes- Most importantly, leave politics, political opinions, political clothing, and political perspectives at home. It’s not the same in Mexico, and absolutely nobody wants to hear that in Mexico. This is substantially more true, when on holiday.

Even in Expat communities, abstain from dragging the ugly political baggage with you, from home. All you will achieve, by not heeding this advice is lose friends and appear like a tool. You’re in Mexico. Be respectful. Leave that compost at home.

Don't...  Just Don't.
Don’t bring clothing with American Flags or Maple leaves. Likewise, leave any offensive or law enforcement style shirts, hats, or other clothing, in that unused drawer, back at home.

In the same vein, leave your “USA or Canada is #1” superior attitude at home. In fact, if you genuinely believe you’re better than Mexicans or any other group or nationality, please stay in your home country. Don’t come to Mexico. All you are likely to do is continuously complain that things aren’t like how you’re used to them, back home. (A quick anecdote about this... Over 90% of tourists that are murdered in Mexico are dispatched by their partner or spouse.)

Ok. You’re still reading. Thank you for that. Let’s talk about the things you must bring and probably should bring.

Things you must bring with you when traveling in Mexico

Original Passport or passport card- The days of coming across with only a Driver’s License and a copy of a Birth Certificate are long over. Immigration and Customs Agents at the border may pity your stupidity, ignorance, or rare forgetfulness for not coming with proper documents and let you through. They also may not.

If you are going to leave the US you need a passport. Every other country’s people understand this, except for the USA. It’s true that it’s only been since 2007 that you needed a passport or passcard to travel overland throughout nearly all of North America, but those days are over. Don’t press your luck.

Original Vehicle Registration or Title- While some officials will accept copies, some don’t. Have your original vehicle registration OR title with you wherever you travel in Mexico. It doesn’t matter if you’re in the free zone of Baja California or Sonora. 

Make sure it’s your name, and it matches your ID or Passport name. This is important. The only way a Mexican official knows if your vehicle is stolen or not is if the paperwork matches your ID. If you or your partner may be driving the car, make sure both of your names are on the vehicle registration or title or that you are in the car. Otherwise, your vehicle may be seized, and you will likely be arrested. It’ll be up to you to hire a lawyer, prove your innocence to a judge, and get your car back.

Prescription medications in their original packaging- Preferably with a note from your physician, on letterhead, indicating you must take them. You will find that many of the prescriptions you have to buy are located in Mexico for much less than you would pay in the USA. They are often available, over the counter. If you’re staying longer than 30 days, it would be wise to find out what is available in Mexico and what you need to bring with you. There are many useful resources for this.

Mexican Insurance- Mexican Insurance is mandatory in Mexico. If you are involved in a collision, you will probably end up in Jail until you can make full restitution. The way to avoid jail is to have a valid insurance policy from a reputable company. If you’re involved in anything other than a very minor bump, call your Insurance Company first. They will send a representative, right away, to verify to authorities that you have Insurance and to begin the process of handling the claim.

A Flask filled with premium spirits (Whiskey, Tequila, etc.)- Often this will come in handy for situations you never imagined. Indeed, don’t drink and drive, ever. If you are broken down on the side of the road or need assistance, handing over your flask, as a way of saying, “Thank You,” is a massive gesture of respect. It may not be the way, back home, but in Latin America, it’ll lead to friendships and good feelings.

Mosquito Repellant- Yes, you can find this in abundance, in Mexico, but if you have sensitive skin or will be hitting the beach, right away, spray some on yourself. Zika is real, and it’s not something you want. Other nasties are present such as Dengue and Malaria. This doesn’t mean every mosquito bite will lead to it, but who wants the welts and itchy skin?

Camera-  Sure your phone has some impressive capabilities, but in Mexico, you will have incredible opportunities to take National Geographic grade photos if you have a versatile DSLR camera.

A little knowledge of Spanish- If you are fluent or conversational, you’re golden. If you lack in Español, don't worry. Have a sheet of common phrases in English and Spanish to learn and refer to often. Here are some key phrases to learn and memorize.

Donde esta el baño? (Where is the Bathroom)

LLeno, Por Favor. (Fillup, please)

Una cerveza mas, por favor. (One more beer, please.)

La cuenta, por favor (Check, Please)

Gracias (Thank You.) Also to tell off a pushy person.

De nada (You’re welcome)

Provecho (Enjoy your meal) Like Bon Appetit. If you talk to someone, at their table, say ‘Provecho’ as a departing gesture. If someone says that to you, it’s customary to say “Gracias.”

Pínches Topes (Darn speed bumps) A common expletive uttered by travelers throughout Mexico.

A little Spanish goes an awful long way to being respected in Mexico.

Though not mandatory, it’s wise to consider at least one person in the group to bring the following items. 

-Travel Insurance.  Companies like World Nomads specialize in coverage for overland travelers.

-Emergency Satellite Locator like the Garmin InReach. There are many regions in Mexico with zero mobile reception. It may be the only way to summon help.

- Paper Map(s) of Mexico and the region you’ll be visiting.  If you're a member, your local AAA or CAA office often has these available for free.  Otherwise, these are available at bookstores, Amazon or outdoor outfitters like REI.

- Tire plug kit and a small portable compressor. It’s great to help yourself or others.

- Flashlight. A small flashlight like the SureFire G2XPro can be super helpful and serve as a phenomenally useful means of self defense by temporarily blinding an opponent or as a strike weapon.  Nobody will cry to the cops for shining a light in their eyes.

We’ve talked about what to bring and what not to bring into Mexico. Let’s talk about what you should get in Mexico.

Things to get in Mexico

Tourist Visa and Temporary Vehicle Import Permit(TVIP), if necessary- Yes, you can get these both online. While the tourist Visa is simple, getting the TVIP online puts you in some legal jeopardy. It forces you to take that vehicle into Mexico to cancel-out the TVIP. If anything happens that prevents the TVIP from being canceled-out in Mexico, such as theft, total loss or mechanical issues, you will be assessed a penalty of roughly half the value of the vehicle and fines. Additionally, you’ll have the wonderful time convincing the Aduana that you still have the vehicle and did not sell it in Mexico. Hope you bring a persuasive Spanish speaker.

I recommend getting your documents when you cross the border. It typically takes only a few minutes to do everything, and be on your way.

Bottled Water- Mexico consumes more bottled water than any other nation, per capita. While washing your hands and showering is fine, you still probably can’t drink the water in Mexico. Use bottled water to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth. Most restaurants will serve bottled water.

Electrolit or Coconut Water- Dehydration is much more common in Mexico with the increased heat and alcohol consumption. Fortunately, these two options in addition to plenty of water to help you get and stay hydrated.

Pesos- We have a comprehensive story about Money and Mexico, but a quick summary is to get Pesos in Mexico. Call your bank(s) and give them a travel notice. Then go to a bank ATM (Santander, Banorte, Banamex, Bancomer, HSBC, etc.) to withdraw pesos.

Medications- Farmácias in Mexico are quite helpful to travelers. You may want 800MG Advil, Viagra, or Treda (to treat stomach illnesses like Montezuma’s Revenge). Your local Farmácia (far-MAH-see-uh) will have a staff member who usually speaks English and can get you the right medication for your ailment.

Other common items to get in Mexico include sunscreen, mosquito repellant, and a TelCel SIM card for your phone, if staying more than a month.

Traveling in Mexico is fun and quite easy. Follow these guidelines, use good judgment, be nice, and have fun.  You'll do great!

This and other articles here are sponsored by Mexican Insurance Store. They believe it’s a value to have accurate and timely information about Mexico and Mexico Travel. Please consider buying a top-rated policy from Mexican Insurance Store, next time you travel to Mexico.